Actions when purchasing a processor or exchanging it on behalf of your customer Actions to take when purchasing a processor or exchanging it on behalf of your customer, which will prevent you from unintentionally handling fraudulent processors Actions to take when purchasing a processor Purchasing from an alternative source risks unwittingly purchasing remarked processors or engineering samples. If you are a business, consider joining the Intel® Partner Alliance, which is a free program designed to assist companies of all sizes with product support, information, and marketing tools that will allow you to leverage your relationship with Intel to build your business. The All That the Intel® Partner Alliance Offers You page outlines the Membership benefits and requirements at each tier. Actions to take if the processor has been removed from the system for warranty exchange Actions to take to identify if the processor is genuine if it is already installed in a system A service call can be costly if you return a non-authentic processor that voids warranty. Remember to Check before you accept.How to Protect Yourself from Unintentionally Handling Fraudulent Processors
If the above appear on the processor it is an engineering sample and the warranty is void.
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